Let $A$ be an abelian group. A graph $G=(V,E)$ is said to be $A$-barycentric-magic if there exists a labeling $l:E(G)longrightarrow Asetminuslbrace{0}rbrace$ such that the induced vertex set labeling $l^{+}:V(G)longrightarrow A$ defined by $l^{+}(v)=sum_{uvin E(G)}l(uv)$ is a constant map and also satisfies that $l^{+}(v)=deg(v)l(u_{v}v)$ for all $v in V$, and for some vertex $u_{v}$ adjacent to $v$. In this paper we determine all $hinmathbb{N}$ for which a given graph G is $mathbb{Z}_{h}$-barycentric-magic and characterize $mathbb{Z}_{h}$-barycentric-magic labeling for some graphs containing vertices of degree 2 and 3.
Type of Study:
Research paper |