Volume 19, Issue 1 (4-2024)                   IJMSI 2024, 19(1): 19-33 | Back to browse issues page

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Gabeleh M, Karimi L, Vetro C. Monotone Orbitally Nonexpansive and Cyclic Mappings in Partially Ordered Uniformly Convex Banach Spaces. IJMSI 2024; 19 (1) :19-33
URL: http://ijmsi.ir/article-1-1729-en.html
In the setting of uniformly convex Banach spaces equipped with a partially ordered relation, we survey the existence of fixed points for monotone orbitally nonexpansive mappings. In this way, we extend and improve the main results of Alfuraidan and Khamsi [M. R. Alfuraidan, M. A. Khamsi, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 146, (2018), 2451-2456]. Examples are given to show the usability of our main conclusions. We also study the existence of an optimal solution for cyclic contractions in such spaces.
Type of Study: Research paper | Subject: General

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