Volume 18, Issue 2 (10-2023)                   IJMSI 2023, 18(2): 139-151 | Back to browse issues page

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Farshadifar F, Ansari-Toroghy H. 2-Irreducible and Strongly 2-Irreducible Submodules of a Module. IJMSI 2023; 18 (2) :139-151
URL: http://ijmsi.ir/article-1-1655-en.html
Let R be a commutative ring with identity and M be an R-module. In this paper, we will introduce the concept of 2-irreducible (resp., strongly 2-irreducible) submodules of M as a generalization of irreducible (resp., strongly irreducible) submodules of M and investigated some properties of these classes of modules.
Type of Study: Research paper | Subject: Special

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